Improvement Journal - Volume 1 (Digital Version - $7 only!)
Trying to navigate life and overcome its challenges can be difficult.
If you don't:
- develop your strength of mind and perspective,
- make being grateful a consistent practice, or
- prepare for your days properly
You can find yourself constantly overwhelmed. Impacted by everything (and everyone) around you. And not living up to your real potential.
At the Improvement Journal, we don't want that for you.
That's why we've created our FIRST volume of the digital Improvement Journal, now available for purchase!
In as little as 5 minutes a day, take part in a practise conducted by many of the great men and women who have come before us. Emperors, artists, writers, world leaders, all found great utility in journaling. If it worked for them, it will also work for you too.
Learn the 6 steps (+1) it takes to Journal effectively and live an improved life.
The Improvement Journal provides you a framework consisting of two sections - morning and night - for you to follow.
With 3 steps per section (+1), you take out all the guesswork and have confidence in this practise. Here's a little preview for each step:
The Morning Section:
Step 1: Prepare for the day (without the shallow manifestation stuff) so that you're ready for anything that comes your way
Step 2: Optimise your perspective and live up to your values (just thinking them isn't enough)
Step 3: Take your humility seriously and practise what it means for you to be grateful
The Night Section:
Step 4: Watch game tape from your day and make improvements along the way
Step 5: Write some words. As Anne Frank says, paper is more patient that people.
Step 6: Express gratitude and more thing... because life is improved through consistent progress
Six easy steps to help you prepare for life's challenges, improve as an an individual, and live up to your potential.
Buy it now and use it for yourself!
How you're going to improve yourself, your life, and your circumstances.
Here's a quick plan:
Most people don't have a journaling tool they can have confidence in.
And some people don't even journal at all.
Life is challenging. Regardless of your own personal situation, you will never be immune to adversity. Whether you have a difficult boss; you're going through a difficult break-up; or some a**hole cut in front of you on the freeway (or, insert more serious issues here), life is going to serve you your fair share of difficulties. But most of us don't prepare for them. We just wait until it's too late and the same frustrating cycle continues.
The Improvement Journal was created to mitigate the overwhelm most people feel. By giving you a simple journaling structure to follow each day, you can have confidence in its effectiveness. We want it to be your personal refuge. Your anchor for each day. That's why in as little as 5 minutes a day, you can follow the 6 steps (+1) and watch as your own personal improvement happens naturally. In all areas.
And finally, here's what the future holds for the Improvement Journal.
As of right now, we only have a digital copy of this journal available. The reason? Quite simply, is because one, we don’t yet have the funds to invest in a physical version. And two, we want to see if this is a tool that people actually want and use. That’s why the digital version is so cheap to buy.
We want YOU to tell us if this is a product you’d ultimately buy a physical version of and continue to use for many years. We don’t want to create something physical that you don’t like or don’t have input on, nor do we want to create something that can’t be changed. That’s why the digital version is available now. Once we have the funds and the feedback, we’ll dive into the development of the first physical version.
We also have no doubt it will have a positive impact on your life if you use it. It will help you prepare for the challenges of life and shift your mindset into an effective one. If you do like it and find value in it, and many other people do as well, we’ll use the funds we make from the digital version to invest in a physical copy that will be much more effective for use.
(The experience using a physical copy will be more intimate and enjoyable).
So, we’d love your support! If you buy a digital copy please know that you’ll be helping us get one step closer to a physical copy that you can really put your heart and soul into. We’ll also take any feedback you have seriously, before we invest into a physical version. Because ultimately, this journal is designed to serve you.
(P.S. if you a buy a digital copy before we invest into a physical one, we’ll most certainly give you a good deal on the first physical volume for your support).
So, don't wait any longer! Future you is depending on current you. Buy a copy of the Improvement Journal today and enjoy the benefits it brings! We can't wait to hear more about your new adventure.
In this journal you are going to receive: